I don't know why I cycle back to this problem all the time. I go a long time without praying, even though I have such a genuine understanding that prayer really works, and is a comforting experience of communication with my Heavenly Father. I have no problem praying for group settings, the problem is just praying by myself. It's the private prayer that I have trouble saying. I don't want to say lazy, but I guess in a prideful manner, I don't find myself wanting to both The Lord with my problems. However, the longer I go without prayer, the more pain I carry, and the more alone I feel. It is not that prayer alone solves my problems. Prayer gives me peace that my problems are not eternal. That I may feel alone, or scared, or disappointment, but that I have no need to fear. That my Heavenly Father has eternal duties for me, and my duties here are in earth are minimal, short lived, and narrow viewed. I like to think I have ma...