I recently read a post that changed how I've decided to look at myself. Read it, if you would like some serious perspective. http://thankyourbody.com/beautiful-through-words/ But anyways, the idea is...we spend so much time endlessly trying to make ourselves beautiful by nature. Beautiful hair, beautiful make up, beautiful clothes. But if words really have the strongest impact on my beauty, why wouldn't I try to make this change to improve my personal image. I have nothing to lose. Right? I can only gain. I'm quite a piece of work. I'll tell you what, I am beautiful. 1. I have a pretty legit smile. I sincerely look happy when I smile, and I have the ability to make other people happy by radiating positive energy with this $30,000.00 smile! Jaw surgery...you made it all possible. Thank you good California Health Insurance, for helping me express myself clearly. 2. I have beautiful hair. Yes. Some people would die to have as mush hair as I have, and it's ...