Take a chance...
Leaps of Faith. I think we do this constantly. I can't think of any of life's significant experiences that I haven't jumped forward in faith, not knowing how things will turn out for sure in the end.
No regrets. One of the hugest things I've learned out here in South Carolina is how to control my confidence, how to build it, and how to make it last.
I think it's funny because the one thing that I've always struggled with, no matter how comfortable I am with the task, is my confidence. Everyone always talks about my potential, and what I am capable of. I realized that everyone's belief in me can only take me so far, that if I want to progress beyond what I already have that I would need to start really believing in myself.
As humans, we build up walls for ourselves, thinking that's all that we'll ever be able to live up to. When in reality, I think we limit ourselves to insurmountable heights.
I've always been a bit of a dreamer. I believe that if your heart wants it badly enough, and you're willing to work hard at it, money cannot deny you your potential, and even the improbable dream becomes truth.
I've been so scared, the fear of failure, rejection, heartache, keeps me from doing things that I've never done before.
More so than knocking doors for a summer job, I feel as though this experience has tested my inner strength more than any other life experience thus far.
One of my favorite notes from my church journal is:
"It is ok to have a good miserable day, or several in a row. What we will learn from it will be tremendous." -President Lewis B. Quigley
I've definitely had some of those miserable days this summer. And I let it tear me up inside, and bring me down.
What I realize is something as simple as this: God is real. He is there, when we need him, when we ask for him, when we pray to him. And right when you feel as though you have nothing left to give, and that the world will have you crumble at it's feet, God is there to help take you the rest of the way.
We are imperfect incomplete human beings without him. With our dear Heavenly Father anything is possible.
"And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up." -D&C 84:88
"I will go before your face...to bear you up."
I know that when I remember this, I have nothing to fear. That builds my confidence, that allows me to reach new heights, to take that chance or leap of faith, and then my countenance is at peace with joy.
Leaps of Faith. I think we do this constantly. I can't think of any of life's significant experiences that I haven't jumped forward in faith, not knowing how things will turn out for sure in the end.
No regrets. One of the hugest things I've learned out here in South Carolina is how to control my confidence, how to build it, and how to make it last.
I think it's funny because the one thing that I've always struggled with, no matter how comfortable I am with the task, is my confidence. Everyone always talks about my potential, and what I am capable of. I realized that everyone's belief in me can only take me so far, that if I want to progress beyond what I already have that I would need to start really believing in myself.
As humans, we build up walls for ourselves, thinking that's all that we'll ever be able to live up to. When in reality, I think we limit ourselves to insurmountable heights.
I've always been a bit of a dreamer. I believe that if your heart wants it badly enough, and you're willing to work hard at it, money cannot deny you your potential, and even the improbable dream becomes truth.
I've been so scared, the fear of failure, rejection, heartache, keeps me from doing things that I've never done before.
More so than knocking doors for a summer job, I feel as though this experience has tested my inner strength more than any other life experience thus far.
One of my favorite notes from my church journal is:
"It is ok to have a good miserable day, or several in a row. What we will learn from it will be tremendous." -President Lewis B. Quigley
I've definitely had some of those miserable days this summer. And I let it tear me up inside, and bring me down.
What I realize is something as simple as this: God is real. He is there, when we need him, when we ask for him, when we pray to him. And right when you feel as though you have nothing left to give, and that the world will have you crumble at it's feet, God is there to help take you the rest of the way.
We are imperfect incomplete human beings without him. With our dear Heavenly Father anything is possible.
"And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up." -D&C 84:88
"I will go before your face...to bear you up."
I know that when I remember this, I have nothing to fear. That builds my confidence, that allows me to reach new heights, to take that chance or leap of faith, and then my countenance is at peace with joy.